The CLPNPEI has adopted the Canadian Council of Practical Nurse Regulators (CCPNR) Code of Ethics for Licensed Practical Nurses in Canada, 2023 to become the Code of Ethics for LPNs in Prince Edward Island.

The new 2023 Code of Ethics will replace the existing Code of Ethics 2013.

The Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA), section 33 requires that a Council shall, by resolution, adopt a code of ethics governing the professional conduct of members. Section 2.6 of the College Bylaws states that in all its deliberations, the Council shall be guided by the principal that the protection of the public shall be of prime consideration; and that the CLPNPEI Code of Ethics, as approved by the Council, in accordance with the Act shall be at all times abided by Members and enforced by Council.

The Code of Ethics for Licensed Practical Nurses (2023) articulates fundamental principles that govern LPN practice and inform the LPN’s professional identity.  LPNs commit to and are held accountable for upholding the principles, and they serve to:

  • Guide LPNs’ reflections and decision-making across all areas of practice,
  • Inform the public about the ethical values and responsibilities of the LPN profession, and
  • Convey the profession’s commitment to client safety and public protection.

LPNs’ primary responsibility is to the client within the context of a collaborative environment. In addition, LPNs apply the principles within the context of their responsibility to the public, the profession, colleagues, and themselves.  The term “client” refers to an individual (or their designated representative(s), families, and groups).

The six (6) principles state that LPNs will:

  1. promote optimal health and well-being,
  2. provide care that is physically, psychologically, and culturally safe,
  3. provide and advocate for client dignity, autonomy, and self-determination,
  4. develop therapeutic relationships while maintaining professional boundaries,
  5. maintain personal well-being, and,
  6. contribute to a healthy practice environment.

LPNs use the Code of Ethics for LPN Practice in conjunction with professional standards and competencies, organizational policies, and regulatory and legislative requirements that guide their practice and behaviour.  The indicators that accompany each principle describe ethical responsibilities and expected professional conduct in LPN practice. There is no order of priority; collectively, they reflect the LPNs’ overall commitment to providing safe care.

The principles are founded on the following:

  • cultural humility and respect for the inherent dignity and rights of clients, colleagues, and LPNs;
  • the promotion of optimal health and well-being;
  • a commitment to trauma-informed practice and harm reduction;
  • a commitment to contribute to truth and reconciliation through client autonomy and self-determination;
  • care that is competent and safe; and
  • equity of access to care for all clients.

Download a copy of the NEW Code of Ethics which will be effective January 1, 2024.
