Holland College is offering a Venipuncture course starting on June 14th from 9-4 pm at the Charlottetown Center at 140 Weymouth St.
Please click here to find out more
Holland College is offering a Venipuncture course starting on June 14th from 9-4 pm at the Charlottetown Center at 140 Weymouth St.
Please click here to find out more
National Nursing Week is held each year in May and coincides with Florence Nightingale’s birthday. The theme this year is Our Nurses. Our Future. This theme was developed by the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) to showcase the many roles that nurses play in a patient’s healthcare journey. In honour of National Nursing Week, the CLPNPEI Council and staff would like to acknowledge the leadership and continued commitment by LPNs to providing safe, competent and ethical care to Islanders. Their contribution makes a difference in the lives of their clients, families and colleagues.
Thank you to all of PEI’s Nurses for your courage and commitment.
Happy National Nursing Week!
The CLPNPEI Council is pleased to announce the appointment of Jessica Vollmer, LPN to an initial three-year term to the Council of the CLPNPEI. Jessica brings a broad perspective of practical nursing experience through her previous practice in Ontario as well as her current practice in Prince Edward Island. Jessica is passionate about safe competent care and looks forward to the opportunity to serve Islanders who are receiving care by supporting the College’s mandate to carry out its work and govern its members in a manner that serves and protects the public interest. You can find out more about the CLPNPEI Council here
Holland College is offering a Venipuncture course on March 8th from 9-4 pm.
The course is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge required to obtain a peripheral venous blood sample from adults using syringe and vacutainer systems, at an entry level to practice. This one-day in-person course will consist of half a day of lectures, and a half day of labs followed by an exam.
This course is first come, first serve and has limited seating interested people are advised to register early.
The cost of this course is $400.00 + HST. Please note, this course is only eligible for LPNs or RNs.
For additional questions, please contact:
Emma Murray
Customized Training Coordinator
Holland College
The validation survey for the updated Code of Ethics for Licensed Practical Nurses is now open.
Please respond by December 18, 2022.
The consultation and validation survey provides an opportunity for all Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) and interested stakeholders to anonymously share their views on the proposed draft. The feedback will be used to finalize the document before being approved by the CCPNR’s Board for launch in 2023.
The Code of Ethics for Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) articulates six fundamental principles that govern LPN practice and inform the LPN’s professional identity. LPNs are held accountable to uphold each of these principles. The principles serve to guide LPNs’ reflections and decision-making across all areas of practice, inform the public about the ethical values and responsibilities of the LPN profession, and convey the profession’s commitment to client safety and public protection. (For the purposes of this document, in Ontario the term “licensed practical nurse” also refers to “registered practical nurse.”)
The Code of Ethics addresses concepts such as cultural humility, respect for the inherent dignity and rights of clients, colleagues and LPNs; promotion of optimal health and well-being; trauma-informed practice and harm reduction; client autonomy and self-determination; care that is competent and safe; and equity of access to care for all clients.
In 2021, CCPNR embarked to update its Code of Ethics:
In November 2022, the CNRC (Canadian Nurse Regulators Collaborative) updated cut scores for the CELBAN (Canadian English Language Benchmark Assessment for Nurses) and IELTS Academic ( International English Language Testing System).
The new cut scores better reflect the language demands expected of nurses at the entry-level to practice in Canada. For more information you can read a full press release from CNRC here
The CLPNPEI has updated our policy to immediately reflect the new cut scores
The CLPNPEI Continuing Competence Program (CCP) is a formal system assessing the ongoing knowledge, skills and judgment of all members. LPNs meet the requirements for CCP by declaring on their annual renewal form that they have and will continue to develop, implement and reflectively evaluate a learning plan over the upcoming year. Every year, the College randomly selects a number of LPNs in a CCP audit process. If selected for the CCP audit LPNs are required to submit a copy of their learning plan from the previous year. During the week of August 8, 2022 the LPNs who have been randomly selected will be notified via email. Please check your email account or log into the CLPNPEI member portal to view the “My Emails” section which keeps a record of all emails sent to LPNs through the member portal. LPNs who have been selected for the audit are given thirty (30) days to submit their documents as this is a retrospective audit (LPNs have indicated their documents have been completed on their renewal forms) For more information related to the Continuing Competence Program please click here
National Nurses Week is held each year in May and coincides with Florence Nightingale’s birthday. The theme this year is #WeAnswerTheCall and was developed by the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) to showcase the many roles that nurses play in a patient’s healthcare journey. In honour of Nurses Week, the CLPNPEI would like to acknowledge the leadership and continued commitment by LPNs to providing safe, competent and ethical care to Islanders during the public health emergency while balancing the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on their own lives. Their contribution makes a difference in the lives of their clients, families and colleagues.
Thank you to all of PEI’s Nurses for continuing to answer the call.
Happy National Nurses Week
*NEW* 2020 Standards of Practice for Licensed Practical Nurses in Canada
Standards of Practice are authoritative statements that define the legal and professional expectations of the LPNs practice. In conjunction with the Code of Ethics, they describe the elements of quality LPN practice and facilitate mobility through inter-jurisdictional mutual understanding and agreement of expectations and requirements for practice. This document also serves as a guide for curriculum development and for public and employer awareness of the practice expectations of the LPN.
Recognizing the need to update its 2013 Standards of Practice for Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs), the Canadian Council for Practical Nurse Regulators (CCPNR) tasked its Inquiry and Discipline and Practice Consultants ad-hoc groups to update the 2013 standards.
The updated Standards of Practice were validated by the LPN community and key stakeholder groups in the Yukon, Alberta, Saskatchewan, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador. They were approved for adoption by the Boards of the respective regulatory authorities.
In March 2021 the CLPNPEI adopted the 2020 Standards of Practice for Licensed Practical Nurses which come into effect August, 2021.
All LPNs should review this document and take time to assess their practice against expectations. The Standards of Practice is one document that is used when assessing competence and conduct.
The CLPNPEI has collaborated with the College of Registered Nurses of Prince Edward Island (CRNPEI) to develop a new practice directive about documentation Standards. CLPNPEI’s practice directives provide practical nurses, employers, and the general public with information regarding the professional accountability and expectations of practical nurses in Prince Edward Island. They reflect relevant legislation and are designed to help practical nurses understand their responsibilities and legal obligations, so they can make safe and ethical nursing decisions. To find out more about the new practice directive click on the link below;
During Mental Health Week (May 3-9) Health Canada Atlantic Region have reached out with some important resources. Please feel free to spread the word!
More than a year after the implementation of public health measures, the COVID-19 pandemic is still causing stress and uncertainty to individuals and families across the country. If you or a loved one is going through a difficult time or if you are looking for resources to improve or nurture your well-being, please visit the portal.
Through this service, individuals of all ages can access supports ranging from self-assessment and peer support, to sessions with social workers, psychologists and other professionals. Specialized supports for specific populations such as youth and frontline workers are also available.
Online mental health and substance use supports offered by the portal are free and confidential, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in English and French, and over the phone for those without internet access. With simultaneous interpretation available, it is possible to have consultation sessions by phone in more than 200 languages and dialects.
Canadians are entitled to safe competent and ethical nursing care. When you are a Councillor on the CLPNPEI Council, you become a voice for people who use the health care system in Prince Edward Island. You use your nursing knowledge to bring insight, oversight and foresight to Council decisions that protect the public, maintain public trust in nursing care and build confidence in nursing regulation.[1]
If you want to make a difference for Islanders, joining the CLPNPEI Council might be for you.
What is Council?
The Council is the governing body of the College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Prince Edward Island. It sets the strategic direction for regulating practical nursing in Prince Edward Island, and establishes the goals, objectives and policies of the College.
Who is appointed to Council?
Members of the public and licensed practical nurses who are interested in being involved in advocating for the public. They are effective and constructive communicators who are able to make decisions based on evidence and are willing to listen and learn. Their sole focus when making decisions is what is best for the public. The Council is composed of six LPN members appointed by the Council of the CLPNPEI and three public representatives appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.
Want to know more about what it takes to be an ideal Councillor? As part of its governance journey the CLPNPEI has identified Ideal Councillor Characteristics that future Councillors would bring to Council.
What are the requirements for appointment to Council?
To qualify to apply for appointment, you must:
The following disqualifies you from applying for appointment to Council:
What is the application process?
155 Belvedere Avenue, Suite 204
Charlottetown PE
C1A 2Y9
What are the terms of office for CLPNPEI Councillors?
A Councillors term of office shall not exceed three years. A Councillor may serve more than one term of office but shall not serve more than six consecutive years.
For further information please contact the CLPNPEI Staff at:
Dawn Rix-Moore, Executive Director – drix-moore@clpnpei.ca
Kimberley Jay, Registrar – kjay@clpnpei.ca
[1] Adapted from http://www.cno.org/en/learn-about-standards-guidelines/magazines-newsletters/the-standard/September-2018/Run-for-Council/
The CLPNPEI has collaborated with the College of Registered Nurses of Prince Edward Island (CRNPEI) to develop four new practice directives. CLPNPEI’s practice directives provide practical nurses, employers, and the general public with information regarding the professional accountability and expectations of practical nurses in Prince Edward Island. They reflect relevant legislation and are designed to help practical nurses understand their responsibilities and legal obligations, so they can make safe and ethical nursing decisions. To find out more about the new practice directives, click on the link below;
Section 10(1) of the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA) authorizes the CLPNPEI Council to establish bylaws related to the management and operation of the College which include procedures for making, amending and revoking bylaws. Bylaw changes were enacted by Council on June 17th, 2020 a summary of changes and the updated Bylaw document can be viewed here.
On March 16, the government of Prince Edward Island declared a public health emergency. Islanders are being asked to practice social distancing and work from home wherever possible. We take this direction very seriously and are committed to doing our part to keep Islanders safe.
CLPNPEI is Open to All Virtually
Due to the nature of our work, combined with our proactive response plan and modern infrastructure in place, we are able to remain open to the public and all stakeholders and continue to deliver services through phone and virtual technology. As a result, effective March 17, our physical office will close to the public, until further notice.
Staff are working to their full capacity to:
You may contact staff by phone at 902-566-1512 or by email
In December 2019, the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) emerged in the city of Wuhan, China. Since then, this respiratory virus has been reported in multiple countries, including Canada. On Thursday, Jan. 30, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 to be a public health emergency of international concern.
The Public Health Agency of Canada has created a website outlining what health professionals need to know about COVID-19. LPNs should be reviewing this information regularly. In addition, the current status of COVID – 19 in Prince Edward Island is reported on the PEI government website https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/health-and-wellness/coronavirus-covid-19-infection-frequently-asked-questions
To learn more about the virus, visit the World Health Organization’s info page and the government of Canada’s Frequently asked questions (FAQ) page.